Here is the 'GOLDWING" rough cut
Arina and I created a feedback form for our rough cut, in which around 26 people participated.
Here are the questions we asked:
Did you like the song choice and genre? (rate from 1-10)
Did the music video maintain your interest from beginning to end? (rate from 1-10)
What was your interpretation of the meaning behind this MV?
Any other comments (editing, filming, lighting, acting...)?
What was your favorite thing about this MV?
If you had to improve one thing about the MV, what would it be?
We are planning on changing the ending, do you have some suggestions/ideas?
The above questions are all based on what we felt would benefit us during the final stage of adapting and improving the rough cut.
Here are some of the feedback we received:

The demographics of the audience:
Age: 16---47 years old
Gender: 60% female, 40% male
The only two feedbacks we received for improvement were about not seeing enough of the souvenir/Ikea scene, based on this feedback(bottom right/4th photo), I made the adaptations to have the scene last longer and more noticeable.
Overall, the feedback we received are very positive!